2019 FEI Rule Changes
The 2019 FEI Rule changes affect the Event Rider Masters. Here is a simple guide to what will be changing next Season:
ERM Class Name:
In 2018 we were called a CIC 3*, in 2019 we are now called a CCI 4*-S
Although it looks like we changed our difficulty level; 3* to 4*, we haven't actually changed anything, it's just a name change of the 3* level.
The "S" tells you that we are a short cross country course
Number of Riders Competing:
In 2019 we are reducing the number of riders accepted into each ERM Leg down from 40 to 30 riders. This will be the 26 highest ranked riders from the FEI World Rider Rankings at the time of entry, plus 4 wild card riders as per our rules.
Show Jumping:
In 2019 Show Jumping Time Faults are being reduced from 1 penalty per second down to 0.4 penalty points per second over the time allowed.
Instead of 4 "collective marks" (Paces, Impulsion, Submission & Rider = 40 marks) being awarded to the Rider after they have finished their Dresage Test, in 2019 there will be just 1 "collective mark" awarded at the completion of a riders test; for "Overall Impression of the Athlete and Horse" = 20 marks.
Cross Country:
The 2018 rule for jumping a Cross Country obstacle outside of the flags without being corrected at a second attempt (50 penalties) has had a complete re-working.
In 2019:
- Thankfully we keep the simple concept of getting between the flags of a Cross Country Obstacle with the Red Flag on the Right and White Flag on the Left...
- A horse will be deemed to have successfully negotiated a Cross Country obstacle "clear", if the body of the horse has passed over the obstacle, as originally flagged. The body of the horse is now defined as: head, neck, shoulders and pelvis (legs are not included)(i.e. if the horses' body, but not all of the legs, are inside the flags, then it is considered clear)
- If a horse clearly negotiates the Cross Country obstacle, but did so with any one (or more) of its' body parts outside of the flagged area, then 15 penalties are awarded. (e.g. one shoulder, or one shoulder and part of one hip are not within the obstacle flags)
- If the horse fails to negotiate a Cross Country obstacle at the 1st attempt, i.e. an obvious "Run-Out" or "Refusal" then 20 penalties are awarded.
- 3 Refusals or Run-Outs will remain as Elimination.
- Missing a Cross Country obstacle, for example not correcting a 20 penalty incident, will also be Elimination.