Event Rider Masters
Wildcard Rules in Detail (2020)
Up to 2 Wildcard entries for Eventing Olympic Gold Medal Winner/ Five-Star Winner & Developing Nation Wildcards:
This wildcard process only applies to those Gold medal winners (individual only) or CCI 5*
- L winners who have entered, meet the basic entry criteria but are not in the list of the 26 accepted entries by FEI ranking points.
An athlete that has a four-star win from 2010 up to and including 2020 (at ERM selection date) counts as eligible for a wildcard entry.
All those eligible for these two wildcard places will be placed in order of FEI ranking points and the Olympic Gold medallist with the highest points will be picked followed by the five-star winner with the highest points. If these wildcards are not used, then developing nation riders may also be selected in order of FEI ranking.
Should there be no Olympic Gold medallist on the list then up to two five-star winners will be accepted. Should there be no five-star winners on the list then up to two Olympic medallists will be accepted.
Developing Nations: Brazil, China, India, Japan, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Zimbabwe.
Up to 2 Wildcard entries are available to be allocated by the Organising Committee & ERM Series Orgainsers
Up to 2 wildcards will be retained to be used at the discretion of the Organising Committee & Event Rider Masters. This is to support and build TV distribution in emerging markets and to support the commercial development of the series.
In all cases ERM MER Rules will be applied to selection of the section. A waitlist will be held, and withdrawals will be replaced according to FEI rankings.
If wildcards are not employed, the ERM section will revert back to selecting according to FEI ranking at entry point.
1. Rights
Athletes participating in a Series event agree to be filmed, televised, photographed, identified, interviewed and otherwise recorded during the event for the purposes of the media coverage and promotion of the Series (by means of all and any media throughout the world in perpetuity). Athletes therefore assign with full title guarantee in perpetuity to Event Rider Masters Limited (“ERM”) all rights of any nature in any such recordings.
Athletes agree that their name, image, photographs and moving images taken of them by ERM at a Series event, and all statistical information gathered by ERM arising from, or relating to, the athlete’s performance at a Series event, may be used by ERM for the purposes of publicising and promoting the Series and the event.
2. Promotion
To support promotion of the Series, athletes of competing horses further agree:
- To supply ERM with any information required to compile full background profiles of athletes and horses (including horses’ stable names, personalities, quirks, training, etc.) and to consent to such information being supplied by ERM to external media agencies.
- To feature their participation in the Series on their personal websites (including a link to the ERM website) and on approved social media channels (including use of the ERM hashtag). At a minimum, athletes should announce his/her entry and results at each Series class and provide updates on the athlete’s performance during the Series and his/her results at each competition.
- To participate in any social media campaigns initiated by ERM to promote the Series, in accordance with notification by ERM highlighting the actions required from each athlete.
- In giving interviews or on social media platforms, to refrain from negative commentary concerning the Series, the individual Series events, fellow competitors, owners, official decisions and results.
- To make themselves available for features and interviews arranged by ERM such as a magazine-style interview of home life, recreation, and interests
- To assist ERM in showcasing the equine stars competing in the Series, by arranging access
to their horses by means of fan zones, stable tours and other “meet and greet” opportunities.
- To wear Series-branded clothing and accessories provided by ERM such as caps, shirts, jackets, armbands and sashes during Series events at prize-giving and interviews, at ERM social functions and at ERM arranged interviews outside of a Series event and to whatever extent possible while competing.
- Whenever possible taking into account other commitments and based on sufficient notice, to attend functions organised by ERM during the lead-up to Series events and at other times, including photo shoots, press conferences, promotional dinners and award ceremonies, and presence at sponsor meals, conferences or meetings at sponsors’ offices.
3. Owners
- Athletes will encourage the owners of horses competing in the Series to participate in interviews, social media campaigns and general promotion of the Series.
- Owners are encouraged to participate in prize-giving and press conferences and to wear ERM branded clothing.
4. Staff and Trainers
- Each athlete must ensure that staff members and trainers are suitably briefed on the format and objectives of the Series.
- When not engaged in horse welfare or training, staff and trainers must be available for interview or comment without bias on the performance of the combination, the Series and the particular Series event.
- Upon request, staff will participate in prize-giving ceremonies.
5. Equine Health and Welfare
- Horse welfare must at all times be the highest priority and responsibility of the athlete.
- At all times, the athlete must present an elite and aspirational level of horsemanship. Care of the horse during each phase and post-competition care is paramount.
- In the interests of “clean sport”, the Series will actively encourage the FEI to openly examine our competitions, athletes and horses.
6. Interviews at Series Competitions
At Series competitions, athletes will give priority to interview requests from ERM above
those from any other media.
Before competition:
- Athletes may be asked for sound-bite interviews while mounted before all phases of competition.
- In line with other major sports, the sound-bite interviews will not occur within 2 horses of the competitor in the ring.
- The interviews will be tactful and sensitive to the athlete’s need to prepare.
- Any athlete not wishing to participate should notify ERM prior to the competition.
Post competition:
- Post-phase interviews will be undertaken only after athletes have clearly demonstrated they have placed the welfare and wellbeing of the horse as their highest priority.
- The top three competitors after each phase will be expected to participate in “meet and greet” sessions with sponsors.
- Upon request, athletes will assist with event commentary by providing “colour” and expert
opinion, following their own participation.
7. Prize-Giving
- Each of the top 15 competitors going into cross country will be expected to take a place on
the podium after completion of his/her round, until another competitor exceeds his/her
- Provisional prize-giving will take place immediately after the cross-country finishes.
- The top 3 competitors will make themselves available for prize-giving and their horses’
owners are encouraged to participate as well.
- Competitors on the podium, and during prize-giving, will be expected to wear Series branded
clothing provided by ERM, which may include caps, shirts, jackets or sashes.
- The top 3 competitors of the event and the top 3 Series leaders at that time will commit
to a minimum period of time to be available to meet with sponsors and then to participate
in a press conference.
- Both the press conference and the prize-giving will be held in front of sponsor branded
background. Athletes therefore agree to represent the values of the Series and its sponsors
during these stages.
8. Individual Sponsor Agreements
- Athletes will not use the Series as an opportunity to actively promote individual sponsorship
- Each athlete must inform ERM of any potential conflict between Series sponsorship and
his/her individual sponsorship agreements before entering his/her first Series event, and
of any changes to his/her individual sponsorship profile thereafter.
9. Contacts
Each Athlete must provide ERM with up-to-date contact details for themselves, staff,
trainers, and owners, and with the details (including persons responsible for maintenance)
of the social media accounts and websites of the Athlete and (if any) his/her Owner(s).